
Author: Devin Ramsey, RVT @ 02/10/13 - 01:04 pm
Why do you want to work with animals? What do you expect to gain? More importantly, how much are you willing to give? Like every career, it takes a strong mind and heart. Showing animals love, empathy and compassion is very important. But being able to stay focused and professional ...

Why do you want to work with animals? What do you expect to gain? More importantly, how much are you willing to give? Like every career, it takes a strong mind and heart. Showing animals love, empathy and compassion is very important. But being able to stay focused and professional is also important. There will come a time in your career where all of these necessities will come into play all at once and this is where you will be put to the test.

If you are interested in working with animals as a career it helps if you have a strong math and science background. Science classes such as Biology or Animal Science are very beneficial. Math also plays a key role in the day to day tasks of caring for the animals. Algebra or Pre Calculus should help in getting you ready to learn veterinary math.

The more hands on experience you have with a diverse range of animals, the better. If you have not had an opportunity to work around various animals, do not feel discouraged, this will truly be a learning experience for both you and animal. Try your best to have an open mind. Technical aspects aside, try not to forget what is motivating you. There may be times when it is easy to get discouraged, but that is when you dig deep and push harder to understand and perfect the tasks at hand.

As you begin to work with animals as a Veterinary Technician, you will discover that it is a lot like being a nurse, but to animals instead of people. Your job is not only about caring for the animals, but their owners as well. As you work with the animals you will intern form bonds with one another. As all animal owners know- there is nothing more satisfying than a happy companion. And that my dear reader is where the real joy lies in helping animals for a living.

Thank you for reading,
