
Petpedia-The-Budgerigar [ Featured ]
Welcome to today's entry in Petpedia. Today I will be briefly writing about my experience with caring for a small bird called a Budgerigar or better know as a Parakeet.

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What-is-a-Veterinary-Technician [ Featured ]
VetTechSymbolAccording to the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America, veterinary technicians primarily function as professional technical support to veterinarians, biomedical researchers, and other scientists.
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Pathology-and-Commonness-of-Heterakis-gallinarum-in-Gallinaceous-Species [ Featured ]


Heterakis gallinarum (Fig. 1) is a nematode in gallinaceous birds that spends its life in the cecum of these species. Known to be of little threat to the fowl, H. gallinaurm is recognized as a vector for the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis. It infects H. gallinaurm eggs which can then have a fatal effect on gallinaceous species if ingested.
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The-Langley-Animal-Protection-Society-(LAPS) [ Featured ]
LAPSThe Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) is a registered non-profit society. It was formed in 2003 by its first volunteer and founder, Pattie Dale. And with the help of additional dedicated volunteers they all worked together to lobby the government for a municipally run animal shelter. Since then they have responded to dog & large animal complaints which has resulted in reducing the number of complaints by 50%. And in 2009, they moved into a new state-of-the-art facility that is specifically designed with the animal's best interests at heart.
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